
The project “The Way We Flow” was initially inspired by my partner and sapphic sexual acts such as the stretching of the hymen, moans/sighs, and kinks such as bondage through the use of climbing knots and rope to portray sexual climaxing as if one is reaching to a mountain peak.

I was then inspired by the physical and spiritual aspects of sex and experimented with ways I could portray the connection and merging of two bodies.


I believe that throughout this project I pushed myself to have interesting secondary research and I’ve finally allowed myself to experiment and explore ideas further in intriguing ways through different mediums such as 3D work, videography, photography, sampling, and draping exercises.


Witchcraft was definitely the subject that pushed me out of my comfort zone because I remain focused on the visuals as my will to take control over the concept usually gets me stuck with development design and sketchbook work.


Unfortunately, lockdown influenced, drastically, the outcomes for the project as I didn’t have large quantities of material with me and I was struggling financially. I found it difficult to feel motivated to work on design development, knowing I wouldn’t be able to fully finish the garment as I l wish.

Although, I found making performance art videos, as well as the potions and other explorative 3D work involving the two types of coloured hair to be a great way for me to get inspired and get out of the negative mindset.

 I found peers reviews and daily reflections to be extremely useful so that I would stay on track with the project overall.


Despite all of the setbacks during this project, I believe I pushed myself to create work that I was content with, for example, I thought myself a completely new editing program that was far more complex than what I was used to as I wanted the outcome piece to look better.

Nonetheless, I would have liked to be able to explore with different materials on my final garment for a more refined touch as I put effort into the pattern cutting of the sleeve and bodice.

Brief for "The Way We Flow" Project - Initial